project details

Orions Box Store Demo

This is demo for a single product e-commerce store I built for the brand Orion's box

This store is optimised to build trust, boost sales, and make life easier for the merchant

This is an overview of a single product e-commerce site I created for the brand Orion's Box, who sell a galaxy star projector product.

We chose to use Shopify's Debut theme for this store and I've customised the theme to convert more with a review app to build trust, custom tabs to share more product info, and metafields to make editing easy for the merchant.

I'll quickly run through some of the features in more detail below.


We kept the homepage very simple. I designed and added the logo and created a simple store navigation with links to the most prominent pages.

The main banner image has been edited keeping it on-brand with navy colour scheme.

Next we have 3 image sections with some product copy next to each image.

Along with learning more about the star projectors features, customers also get a glimpse of what the product can do and can visualise how they'll use it themselves.

Below the image with text sections we have the testimonial section.

Positive feedback from users makes the decision to purchase products easier for customers who may still hold some doubt.

The testimonial section is followed by an instagram image gallery section, and the homepage ends with the footer which includes links to legal pages and the brands social media profiles.

I've customised the theme template files so that the title text of the instagram section can be easily edited by the merchant in the theme customiser.

Product Page

I've made some customisations to main product page, adding reviews and further product information to add clarity and make the customers buying decision a lot easier.

Users can review the 2 product images on the left.

We have two dropdown selector where customers can choose the colour and power plug option that are available.

Below the add to cart and buy now buttons, I've customised the product description section and have built custom tabs for shipping info, and a table containing further product details and technical information for the US and EU plug types.


I've used metafields via a 3rd party app so that the merchant has the ability to change the values in the product information tabs very easily.

It can be complicated for someone who doesn't know how to code to change something in the theme files, compared to editing text within a metafield in the stores backend.


Underneath the customs tabs we added a 3rd party app called to include star rated customer reviews on the product page.

Displaying positive reviews can boost your company's social credibility and leave positive impressions on potential customers.

Good reviews allow potential customers to trust that your business will fulfil their needs and will help them to feel comfortable purchasing your products because they know others have had pleasant experiences doing so.

Affiliate Product Page

Below the main product reviews we have a related recommended product section.

The client wanted to feature an affiliate product on the store to boost revenue because they noticed that Galaxy projectors are frequently bought together with LED Strips.

So I designed this in a way where they can easily add affiliate products from the backend themselves with a referral link, so they'll receive a commission when someone purchases that item on Amazon.

The affiliate product page includes a Find On Amazon button linking directly to the its amazon product page, and below that we have custom tabs for relevant product and shipping information.

Wholesale Page

We've developed a B2B inquiry form for businesses interested in joining our wholesale program.

Within the page, companies can learn more about the program before entering their contact information in an organised manner, streamlining the request process.

This automation minimises obstacles and increases the likelihood of other companies reaching out to us.

FAQ's Page

A well-designed FAQ, or Frequently Asked Questions page, allows for visitors to find answers to all their questions in one place.

Not only does it make life easier for the stores visitors, but it can also save the merchant time and resources because they don't have as many clients contacting them for answers.

Are you ready to launch your store? Time is of the essence, so reach out via the contact form to get started.